Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nepotism Information Wanted

Since we cannot verify a lot of information provided to us concerning nepotism in the courts for a Post, we now make available this specific area for related Comments.


  1. The wife of Judge Jonathan Lippman works for the NY State Judicial system in White Plains. How did that happen?

  2. The bigger joke about Lippman's wife also receiving a state paycheck is that in 2000, the Association of Justices criticized Jonathan Lippman for trying to curtail political patronage in court system. Lippman wanted state judges to approve the hiring of lawyers, real estate managers and other professionals by receivers to help ensure that receivers' hiring practices are based on merit, not on political favoritism or NEPOTISM-- yet, that's what Lippman proposed... Think there'e a DOUBLE STANDARD here?!?

  3. Absolutely NO, Not Jonathan Lippman, he would never do anything like that! Oh yeah!

    Why did our friend Judge Jonathan Lippman (as Chief Administrative Judge) grant waivers to his vociferous "meat eating" buddy Judge Charles E. Ramos, permitting him to act as an Executor of the very large Estate of Herbert R. Weissberg (NY County # 2589-2003) as well as granting Ramos the ability to also act as an Executor of Ruth Weissberg (wife) when she dies. The dis-honorable Charles E. Ramos is not related to the Weissberg family in any fashion except Ramos wants control of their money.

    One may recall that Ramos got shot down in his attempt to acquire the top job of running the NY Stock Exchange since then he has been flailing about seek another large bag of money and with the Weissberg's he has found one.

  4. It's true. I "left" 111 MLK (the white plains courthouse building) a few months ago. Yes, Amy Lippman was working for the appellate division- a state employee.

    Nepotism is the smallest of the problems in white plains, dear.

  5. Question - What is the name of the Judge whose wife take up space at the Committee on Character & Fitness?

  6. Yeah, what is her name and also why not make public a complete list of all the spouses and relatives of Judges that work in the Judicial Maze statewide. Let all the taxpayers know how they are getting robbed.

  7. Hey, Big brother. You have it backwards.

    The question is what judge's HUSBAND works at the 1st Dept. Disciplinary Committee (and not at the CCF).

    Answer: Queens Civil Court Judge Anna Culley's husband, Kevin Culley, is a staff attorney at the Departmental Disciplinary Committee at 61 Broadway.

    Get your facts straight before you comment.

    Is there an anti-nepotism rule on the books?

  8. if there is any anti-nepotism rule and they wanted to enforce it, they'd get rid of 20% of the state court workforce, and mostly dead wood, I might add.....

  9. what are you kidding only 20%, I would think it would be at least 60%, it is after all The Incest Club

  10. legal question for all you lawyers out there (when you're not too busy checking some chick's character and fitness) ?

    Is it nepotism if you get a job for your home's cleaning women's husband?

    (I won't mention that the "boss" is a state employee who works at the appellate division 1st Dept.)

    Can anyone say: "out of control?"

  11. Is it O.K. if you're a state paid court worker (in charge of court reporters, but NEVER do any reporting anymore) and as a side-line (but on state time) design a house for a sitting judge since you're also an architect?

  12. Under Jonathan Lippman a/k/a Jonny "the piss boy" Lippman, nepotism has flourished in the courts. Here are some that I know about, but I'm sure everyone nows of many more.
    While some know that Lippman's wife Amy is an OCA employee most don't know that Lippman"s childhood best buddy is assembly speaker Sheldon Silver, which explains Lippman's political juice in the democratic party.
    OCA chief of employee relations, Lauren DeSole is the "niece" of her predecessor, Andrea Lurie. DeSole's boyfriend, former supreme court officers assoc. VP John Agnetti, was interestingly appointed to an administrative job with OCA a few years ago after losing a union election.
    Nassau County chief court officer, Jim DiNapoli is the brother of state comptroller Tom DiNapoli.
    Staten Island Family Court chief clerk William Quirk is the brother of Dennis "King of the Courts" Quirk. Dennis Quirk's daughter also has a sweet job in NYC family court.
    9th JD court officer boss Bob Kane married into the family of court of appeals justice Joseph Bellacossa. Captain Alvin Benson of the 9th JD is the nephew of a supreme court judge in NYC. And 9th JD boss in waiting, Danny "the toothpick" Leddy is the little brother of former chief court officer Tom Leddy.
    Court officer Major Jeanette Jordan is married to OCA attorney Mark Jordan.
    Bronx court officer boss J.Mark Bodde is the nephew of former supreme court judge Tom Galligan. Galligan has two other nephews named Kelly who have cushy jobs in the Appellate Division.
    NYC Family Court boss Tim Shanahan is the nephew of judge Keating, who is retired and in charge of the state judicial institute.
    OCA deputy inspector general Greg Salerno is the son of Bronx judge George Salerno. And IG investigator Bob Piazza is the son in law of former NYC criminal court chief clerk Arthur Reilly.
    I don't know who Bronx supreme court chief clerk Steve Clark is related to, but it must be someone big because Clark's only academic credential is a high school diploma. Maybe he was in the advanced program?
    Well, that's all for now. I'll try to update my list as soon as I can.

  13. Holy cow. All this info and insight into the underbelly of our courts...AND ALL FROM ONE PERSON!!!! And this guy/gal can't know the half of it. BRING IN THE FEDS AND SHUT THE NY COURTS DOWN!!!!!

  14. "Since we cannot verify a lot of information"

    Why is this not in BOLD type. There are many inaccuracies. If you are not inclined to verify something you should have the brains and common sense not to print it. A little knowledge is dangerous.

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