Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Complaint Filed to Yank Spitzer's Law License (MORE, CLICK HERE)

Conservative Lawyer Seeks Spitzer's Suspension From NY Bar
New York Lawyer - March 12, 2008 - By The Associated Press

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A Florida attorney is urging Gov. Eliot Spitzer's immediate suspension as a lawyer in New York following reports he patronized a high-priced prostitution ring.

Jack Thompson, a conservative Republican from Coral Gables, says the Disciplinary Committee for the Appellate Division's First Department should stop Spitzer from practicing law until the matter is resolved.

Alan Friedberg, the committee's chief counsel, declined to comment. Calls to Spitzer's office and his lawyer were not immediately returned. Thompson, who says he filed an early disbarment complaint against former President Bill Clinton in Arkansas, notes that Spitzer didn't claim innocence in his apology Monday.

See related story, "Man Pleads to federal felony, Gets NY Law license back"


  1. Eliot Spitzer must have his law license taken NOW! Put him in prison and see how long he will last. Sure hope the Feds lean on him, he'll sell his Mother to stay out of the joint. The harder he'll fall.

  2. let's see what the DDC (ethics) lst dept. do with this? Good old Tom Cahill isn't there any more to whitewash this one. Will they take Eliot Spitzer down? Or will he buy his way out of this one too? By the way what about his wife Silda too? You can't tell me she didn't know what was going on for years, as a wife but more importantly as an attorney she had an ethical duty to turn him in! He was doing a crime, now they both can do the crime time.

  3. While they're pulling Spitzer's law license, ask them to pull Allen Isaac's law license also. When Eliot Spitzer was Attorney General, he was given substantial evidence pertaining to an alleged "SEX SCANDAL CASE", regarding a POWERFUL WALL STREET LAWYER. Esposito's pleas were ignored and dismissed.

  4. Good, it's about time that a spotlight be pointed at the DDC, the organization that improperly destroys certain lawyers and protects the connected bad ones.

  5. So with the next 27 hours he is in office...Spitzer can reveal all his reported OCA information and begin an investigation regarding the OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION! If Eliot did that, I might think he was at the very most...OK... JUST SUFFERING a psychological disorder for dirt roads...we all have our issues!

  6. I think he might like it to be yanked!

  7. the Idiot Spitzer received plenty of information and sat on a lot of things that were political. What goes around comes around sucker no matter how much money he has.

  8. the Idiot Spitzer received plenty of information and sat on a lot of things that were political. What goes around comes around sucker no matter how much money he has.

  9. They won't yank anything of his....daddy has toooo much money...KAYE loves that and probably him! Saw her on TV YESTERDAY ....What a real horror or however you want to spell it!
