Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Officers of Court Now Stealing Crippled Kids' Money

Brooklyn lawyer couple eyed in guardian scams

The New York Daily News by NANCIE KATZ, BARBARA ROSS AND DAVE GOLDINER - August 4, 2008

Prosecutors are investigating a politically connected Brooklyn lawyer and his wife for allegedly siphoning off "potentially millions" of dollars from unwitting clients, including crippled kids, sources said. Steven Rondos, 43, and his lawyer wife, Camille Raia, 47, are suspected of stealing the money from so-called guardianship accounts set up for victims of medical malpractice and personal injury cases. A source close to the case said many of the victims are children who suffered serious injuries in car crashes or other accidents. The couple manages accounts worth up to $50 million. Rondos and Raia have an office in Bay Ridge and own a $1.4 million home in leafy Ridgewood, N.J. They have not been charged, and the Manhattan district attorney's office refused to comment on the alleged scam, which sources said may have gone on for years. Judges in several boroughs and counties have started removing Rondos and Raia from their positions of authority over the accounts. "[Officials] are in the process of petitioning to remove Rondos," said David Bookstaver, a spokesman for the city Office of Court Administration. Rondos and Raia did not return calls for comment. The alleged scam started unfolding when officials at brokerage firm Smith Barney, which manages several of the accounts, noticed unusual withdrawals. nkatz@nydailynews.com


  1. All money belongs to corrupt lawyers and judges. Repeat, all money belongs to corrupt lawyers and judges. Young, old, healthy, disabled- it doesn't matter. You see, it's all very simple.

  2. What's it going to take for the FEDS to finally step in and bring down the indictments...These lawyers have already committed everything under the sun, and still nothing's been done. WAKE-UP AND DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. absolutely, people just have to understand the mind set of the attorneys (including JUDGES), the suckers, I mean "clients" are there to be milked, I mean ripped off --- that is the way it is folks

  4. from crippled kids.... digusting, outrageous, and sad......

  5. the mouthpiece for the corrupt system Bookstaver just makes excuses. He should be off the public payroll, fire him. What he's not saying is that this practice is the rule not the exception. This type of thing has been going on for a long time and some of the big names would shock everyone. That's what happens when the entire system is corrupt.

  6. one of the writers, Barbara Ross is married to another mouthpiece for the courts. Was this a story her husband handed her? The purpose was to throw a few people under the bus to make it look like the Kaye Gang is doing something? We figured it out dummy!

  7. Barbara Ross, once upon a time was at the New York County DA's Office, and boy did she make sure she kept things under wrap for them. HUSH, HUSH, right Barbara.

  8. Well the hell is a Bookstaver, anyway? Is it a lawyer, judge or just a criminal OCA hired to speak lies for them?

  9. Being one of the 50 or so clients that are involved in this case, I am disgusted and embarassed that we put so much trust in this man.He came across as being honest, sincere, concerned, God-like, nothing went past him without approval. So here we are feeling like complete idiots for trusting someone like him with our child's money. Will any of it be returned? Yes but I am sure at the expense of others, he will not have it as I am sure it is spent to keep up his lifestyle.
    Where are all of the others that I am sure are involved? He could not have done this on his own. There has to be others higher up than him that are involved. Will they be found out?? or is the total blame going on his back. Smith Barney is not all that innocent as they appear to be. They let the monies be spent for years before someone noticed that something was not right. Where is that bank person who let the checks be cashed? Who at smith barney let the funds be released? where was the court examiner all these years approving the accountings? Where was the judge when the accountings had to be looked over and signed? Who let this happen to these poor kids, He even STOLE FROM THE DEAD! NOT ONLY CHILDREN, AND ELDERS!!!!!!

  10. For Ten years I fought with the courts over guardianship of my daughter and her money she received from a medical malpractice case. The judge, lawyers, court examiner, and court reporter were all crooks who just wanted her money. I fought back and finally regained guardianship and finaly had the case terminated.
    I will never forget the lawyer when she said to me that she was going to be the guardian of my daughter and that there was nothing I could do about it!
    Parents don't realize that these snakes get as much as 7% of the money and control what is spent. These snakes do not care one bit about the AIP
    I have been trying for ten years to bring this scam to the public, I am so glad someone is finally listening!

  11. The trail of bread crumbs lead right to 26 Court St, Downtown,Bklyn... all the players work here... all the guardianship lawyers, evaluators, examiners all in one place...
