Saturday, October 18, 2008

NY Lawyer Suspended for Forgery

NY Lawyer Suspended for Forgery
The New York Law Journal by Anthony Lin - October 16, 2008

The Appellate Division, First Department, has ordered a three-year suspension for a lawyer convicted in New Jersey of forging his clients' signatures on a $75,000 settlement check from which he failed to distribute their share. Anthony M. Mahoney had originally been convicted in 2002 on two theft counts as well but those were ultimately reversed in 2006 by the New Jersey Supreme Court. Noting that the twists and turns of the criminal case had delayed Mr. Mahoney's New York disciplinary proceedings and then removed the most serious charges, a referee had recommended a three-year suspension retroactive to January 2004. The referee cited Mr. Mahoney's previously unblemished disciplinary record and history of active community involvement in her recommendation and noted he had made restitution to his clients within months of his alleged theft. The hearing panel in the case, however, urged a prospective five-year suspension on the grounds that Mr. Mahoney only made restitution after he became aware his actions were the subject of a criminal investigation. In ordering a prospective three-year suspension, the court split the difference, noting that his misconduct appeared "truly aberrational" but was nonetheless serious.


  1. This is an outrage. Lawyers, and judges, are allowed to forge documents. They be the MAN, they are the law.

  2. That's what this blog is about. Most of the apples are rotten and the barrel needs a disinfecting. The rotten apples float to the top. Pfau, Kaye, etc.

  3. they made it retroactive so then his 3 year suspension has been cleared. he will recieve no punishment. t is retoroactive to 2004
    hat means he has been suspended since 2004 so thier really was and will be no punsihment.
    another question is while he was under investigation in N.Y was he practacing in new jersey. You could be suspended in new yrk and pracitce in another state.

  4. They gave ex felon, ex chief judge Sol Wackeyler back his law license, so why not this clown. Ethics don't matter in New York law. If you pay to play, you keep your law license. It's that simple.

  5. The judge let the lawyer off way too easy.

  6. another example of why the public has no faith or trust in lawyers of any stripe

  7. WOW Gary I. Greenwald and his firm have engaged in fraud, forgery, mishandling escrow funds, collusion, criminal perjury, aid in parental kidnapping for what appears to be sexual exploitation of minors and helped in the cover up of the crime. Yet, nothing has been done against this parasite, I wonder if by any chance a small bank in Middletown where he is involved play a part in hidding more than an escrow account?

  8. Почему регистрация не работает ?
