Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Urgent Call to All Americans



On this day we honor Dr. Martin Luther King's memory. To build on his victory for equality, fairness, freedom, and fundamental justice, vindicated by tomorrow's inauguration of Barack Obama, America's first black president, Doris L. Sassower, President of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., asks you to sign onto the letter below and email it to YOUR U.S. HOME SENATORS and every other U.S. Senator you can. Feel free to adapt it for dissemination to TV and radio talk show hosts, editors of your local newspapers, in support of our demand for a Senate Inquiry into critical facts -- BEFORE Senator Clinton's full Senate confirmation as Secretary of State, predicted to occur on Wednesday or Thursday of this week -- with cc to CJA.

Please do not think we have sat on our hands to wait until the 11th hour to distribute this information. Our repeated mass media mailings of our press releases on the subject, starting more than a year ago before the primary elections concerning the tragic role Senator Clinton played in the six-month incarceration by our government of an innocent woman, shockingly produced no news coverage of our vital issues -- only proving what CJA has said all along -- that mainstream media has, by consistently failing and refusing to meet its journalistic responsibilities as the guardian of the People's right to know, has been guilty of press suppression and protectionism, designed to cover up the true facts in this matter for the benefit of political interests in both parties. http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/suing-nyt/lawsuit-nyt.htm, http://www.judgewatch.org/web-pages/press-suppression/press-gannett.htm. This may be the last clear chance opportunity to prevent confirmation of a most unworthy candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton -- whose actions speak louder than all her empty rhetoric about her protection of constitutional rights. By her conduct in office as Senator, she has revealed her willingness to betray the public trust for her ulterior political and private self-interest. If she cannot defend the civil rights and freedoms of one American, indeed, her own constituent, how can she defend the rights and freedoms of all Americans as our Secretary of State?

Do it today, do it tomorrow, but please don't fail to do it ASAP! Time is of the essence! In addition, to compliment our herculean efforts to protect our democracy, would you kindly make a donation by clicking on the Donate button on our website. Your credit card or check shows your support for our herculean, pro bono efforts. United, we too shall overcome!

A thousand thanks!

Yours in struggle and solidarity for a quality judiciary.

From All of Us at Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA) 
DORIS L. SASSOWER , Co-Founder and President
Tel: 914-997-8105 Fax: 914-684-6554
------------------------------------- Sample Letter --------------------------------------------
Dear Senator

The Center for Judicial Accountability Inc., (CJA), a national 501(c) 3 public interest, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, working to improve the quality of our judiciary by removing political considerations from the judicial selection process and by ensuring that the process of disciplining and removing judges is effective and meaningful, urges you to let the voices of our concerned citizenry be heard on this important subject affecting core values of our democracy.

The incoming Obama presidential administration and its appointments to the President's cabinet and to the judiciary, will set the standard for democracy, decency and fair-play in America for generations to come. At this historic break with the past on a successful platform of "Yes, we can" change our broken government, it is a critical principle that those considered for the nation's highest offices have irreproachable records. Sadly, the appointment of Senator Hillary Clinton to US Secretary of State turns this principle on its head.

Please read the following press release of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc., issued last week calling for a public integrity Senate Inquiry BEFORE confirmation of Senator Hillary Clinton anticipated this week, regarding issues as to which the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee conspicuously did NOT interrogate her before its members confirmed her nomination last Tuesday. Incredibly, that press release received no coverage by the media, another fact calling for Senate investigation.



A national, nonpartisan, nonprofit citizens’ organization, working, pro bono, to protect the public interest in the integrity of our judicial selection and judicial discipline processes. Its mission is to ensure that only the most qualified trial lawyers become, and remain judges.
E-mail: judgewatch@aol.com Web: http://www.judgewatch.org
Tel: 914-997-8105 ▪ Fax: 914-684-6554
Office of the President
Direct line: (914) 997 1677


CJA Calls for US Senate Inquiry -- before her confirmation as Secretary of State -- into Senator Clinton’s violation of innocent constituent’s free speech and due process rights*

Statement from CJA President and Co-Founder Doris L. Sassower

“Senator Hillary Clinton was complicit in behind-the-scenes politically-motivated deal making between Republican and Democratic party leaders, resulting in "rubber-stamped" lifetime federal judges to ensure their confirmation by the Senate. One such pre-arranged deal involved President Bush’s federal judicial nominee Republican Richard C. Wesley. On May 22, 2003, she set in motion a chain of events that led to the filing of a criminal complaint against her own constituent, Elena Ruth Sassower, CJA's Co-Founder, then Coordinator, now Director, a patriotic American citizen and public advocate, seeking to testify, the lone voice in opposition, at a Senate Judiciary Committee Public Confirmation Hearing.

With the collusion of Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss, then Acting Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, her constituent was unjustly arrested, wrongfully prosecuted by the DC U.S. Attorney's office, steamrolled to conviction, and given an unprecedented sentence of six months in a DC jail for an alleged “Disruption of Congress.” This travesty of justice occurred because Senator Clinton would not let anyone upset her pre-arranged political deal for bi-partisan confirmation of that judicial nominee. Yet, all her constituent had done was to respectfully request to testify in opposition to that nominee. But, thanks to Senator Clinton, such courageous citizen advocacy in exercise of constitutionally guaranteed free speech and due process rights is now a ‘crime’ in America.

“No bail was fixed by the DC trial judge, himself recently nominated by President Bush and confirmed as a result of a similar bi-partisan political deal, who denied her repeated requests for a stay pending appeal. Her constituent was thus forced to serve out her full sentence, without objection from Senator Clinton, despite calls from all over the country for the Senator’s intercession. An advance copy of the intended negative testimony had been provided to the Committee by her constituent in advance, along with her written request to be heard.

“The Clinton-Chambliss judgeship issue was subsequently not raised in the key 2008 Georgia Martin-Chambliss recount election campaign because of the Clinton connection. In fact, the Martin Campaign deliberately chose to avoid raising the issue against opponent Chambliss because of concerns that Senator Clinton (then courting an Obama Cabinet appointment) would become collateral damage. For that reason, the Martin Campaign likely took direction on this issue from senior staffers on the Obama team.

“CJA will continue to advocate for full exposure of Senator Clinton’s civil rights violations while serving as NY Senator, specifically, her constitutional and ethical derelictions as they impacted on one of her own constituents, issues highly relevant to her appointment as America’s next Secretary of State.”

For more details, see recent story in New York’s Westchester Guardian, 11/27/08:
Help Hold Senators Saxby Chambliss and Hillary Clinton Accountable

*Please contact Doris L. Sassower at doris@judgewatch.org at CJA, if you would like to discuss any related issues. We look forward to your swift response to this wake-up call to the Senate's conscience so as to suspend any confirmation of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State until the facts presented by this e-mail are fully investigated so as to protect the lives, liberty, and happiness of our citizenry.


  1. Doris is the long time hero of cleaning up the courts. If Lippman had a set of balls, which I doubt, he would come out TODAY and announce that he would direct the process of restoring Doris' law license. It was taken from her in a pathetic, disgusting revengeful act by people under Lippman's charge.

  2. Of course, Sol and Eliot got their licenses restored..... see links

    Ex-judge 'delighted' to be a lawyer again.

    Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau says
    "The guy lost his job, apologized and was publicly embarrassed. I don't believe in kicking someone when they're down,"

  3. I know a few lawyers in the 4th Dept, that lost their licenses, their jobs and were publicly embarrassed...but this dept says... no way to return of their licenses...and it has been many years.
    So even though the ethics are equally non-existent here.....this dept suffers from different rules regarding criminal behavior by attys, within our very own state...up just a few hundred miles.
    Sounds just like the way NY state law and punishment are handled...take care of some in a very kindly way ... for those the judiciary likes... and screw those that have no influence in government, the hostile way.
    NY justice is like the lottery...participate at your own risk...fairness is not included..it is all luck!
