Wednesday, December 16, 2009

NY Civil Rights Lawyer Charged With Tax Fraud

Syracuse Civil Rights Lawyer Charged With Tax Fraud
The New York Law Journal - NEWS IN BRIEF - December 15, 2009

An attorney who already faces charges of attempting to steal the identity of her former law partner's husband was charged yesterday with a felony tax fraud count. The lawyer, Bonnie Strunk, entered a not guilty plea through her attorney, Christine Cook. Ms. Strunk was allowed to remain free on her own recognizance by Supreme Court Justice John Brunetti in Onondaga County. Ms. Strunk, 61, faces a third-degree count of tax fraud for allegedly failing to file a personal income tax return for 2008, with a tax liability of $11,777. She also faces grand larceny and identity theft charges for allegedly stealing some $17,000 in September and October by appropriating the name of the husband of her long-time law partner, Faith Seidenberg, to open a credit card account. Ms. Strunk, Ms. Seidenberg and her husband, Dr. Robert Seidenberg, are veteran advocates for civil rights in the Syracuse area. Robert Seidenberg, a psychiatrist, was the first male president of a local chapter of the National Organization for Women. Ms. Strunk, a high-profile gay-rights proponent, ran unsuccessfully for county district attorney as a Liberal in 1976. - by Joel Stashenko


  1. I'm comforted to know that attorney misconduct is consistent statewide. Disgraceful.

  2. consistent, it is a requirement of work, they have to have something on you for you to prosper as an attorney and the Attorney Grievance Committees take part in the deception, that must be how they welcome them to the club, by ditching the complaints!

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