Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lawyer For NY State Indicted in Hate Crime

Indictment in hate crime case
The Albany Times Union by Robert Gavin - February 23, 2011

Hennessey, lawyer with the state, accused of threatening woman, child

ALBANY, NY -- A longtime lawyer with the state Department of Civil Service has been indicted on 11 counts of felony hate crimes following allegations he made phone calls threatening to kill a black woman and abduct a black child and "tie him up." James J. Hennessey Jr., 58, of Albany, was allegedly "making harassing and threatening phone calls to several individuals in his neighborhood, and around the region," Albany County District Attorney David Soares' office said Wednesday. Hennessey is charged with 11 counts of second-degree aggravated harassment, a low-level felony that carries the possibility of 11/3 to 4 years in state prison for each count. The indictment contends Hennessey "anonymously called multiple individuals to threaten or harass them because of his beliefs about African-Americans," prosecutors said. He is accused of using a website -- -- to hide the origin of his phone calls. The calls were made between last May and July. He was arrested in October. Hennessey allegedly phoned a black woman on South Pine Avenue at 10:30 p.m. on July 19, used racial slurs and told her he would kill her. Court papers said the woman was targeted because of her race. Two days later at 1:30 p.m. on July 21, a man on Winnie Street in Albany received a phone call in which the caller threatened to kidnap the "little black boy and tie him up." Court papers alleged the man was "selected because he is of Hispanic origin and has a dark-skinned nephew." Investigators traced calls to Hennessey through Verizon Wireless documents and a Time Warner Cable account. It identified the attorney as the subscriber of the Internet account that services the Internet Protocol address of the computers that accessed the site from where the phone calls were placed. Hennessey, employed as an associate attorney with his agency since April 1993, earns a $104,080 salary. He remains at work. A Department of Civil Service spokeswoman said Hennessey has not been suspended because he has not been convicted and the alleged crimes did not take place at his job.


  1. This clown must have roots from Alabama. What an idiot. A disgrace to New York's Officers of the Court.

  2. I'm sure he'll be collecting his paycheck, maybe even get a raise.

  3. Hopefully, he has been paying into Scheiderman's or Cuomo's election funds so that he will escape with a stern lecture and a promise not to do it again.

  4. The man's case was DISMISSED completely! He was exonerated and thus the few comments and the article's author, as well as their authority are to be dismissed as well.
