Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chief Judge Highlights Some Of His Failures

State’s Chief Judge Pledges More Aid for Poor in Courts
The New York Times by Thomas Kaplan  -  May 2, 2011

ALBANY, NY — New York’s chief judge, Jonathan Lippman, on Monday called the state’s routine failure to provide lawyers for poor criminal defendants being arraigned in local courts a problem that “can no longer be tolerated,” and pledged to remedy the situation within a year. Judge Lippman, in a speech at the State Court of Appeals, said too many New Yorkers were needlessly spending nights in jail after appearing without legal counsel at criminal arraignments in small-town and village courthouses. He vowed that the state would spend $10 million in an effort to improve the availability of legal defense provided to the poor. “The arraignment and pretrial jailing of defendants who are not represented by counsel is a fundamental failure that can no longer be tolerated in a modern, principled society governed by the rule of law,” Judge Lippman said. The grant disbursement will be the first major initiative of the State Office of Indigent Legal Services, created last year by Gov. David A. Paterson and the State Legislature with the charge of improving the quality of legal representation provided to indigent defendants. The office will ask counties to propose low-cost ways to finance the legal defense work, like centralizing arraignments or allowing lawyers to consult with defendants by telephone or computer. State judicial officials said that they did not know the percentage of criminal defendants who lacked lawyers at their first appearances in court, but that they believed that such situations were widespread upstate. The director of the Office of Indigent Legal Services, William Leahy, said some public defenders in rural areas first learn whom they will represent by checking with local jails each morning to see who was locked up overnight. Judge Lippman said that within a year he hoped to make it rare for criminal defendants to lack counsel at their first court appearances. But he acknowledged that that timeline was ambitious, given that officials had called for overhauling the town and village court system for decades with limited success. Derek P. Champagne, the Franklin County district attorney and the president of the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York, said he was cautiously optimistic about the initiative. He noted that in many cases it was difficult even for prosecutors to attend arraignments in rural areas.  “I completely agree with the principle,” he said. “But in practicality, I think it’s something that needs an awful lot of research and an awful lot of money.”


  1. Yes, indeed. Good old Lippman was PART of the problem as Administrative Judge. And he IS THE PROBLEM NOW as Chief Judge. He must be forced out. New York State needs a fresh start not a re-hash of the same old corruption.

  2. Agreed. Lippman has to be replaced with an outsider. A person not beholden to corrupt insiders and especially Shelly Silver.

  3. Here are some of Judge John K. McGuirk from the Orange County Supreme Court in Goshen, New York. Highlighted "failures"

    - Participating in kidnapping of children from another state.
    - Parental Alienation
    - Participating in the Trafficking of minors for sexual performances.
    - Participating in the rigging of child custody and divorce cases, in the same manner that disgraced butt hole Garson did.
    -A racist pig
    - Promoter of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault against women.
    - Promoter of court record tampering and forged court orders.
    - A true butt hole raping the United States Constitution.
    - A racist and gender bias pig.
    - A pro pedophilia and familial pedophilia.
    - I am sure the list goes on and on and on.

    Just like the rest of the terrorist you too will be burn in hell for eternity. You can pay for protection here on earth, just remember God does not take bribes and he really dislike pro-pedophiles and pedophiles.

  4. Here's a chance for everyone to give the legislatos your opinion on what is wrong with NYS. And, since it is the legislators who write the laws and provide the funding for the courts, they should be made aware that there are serious problems and corruption with both the running of the courts and the attorneys (who get their licenses from the state) that are supposed to be protecting the citizens of the state.

    Tomorrow there will be an ethics discussion in Albany which citizens will be allowed to comment on through the internet.

    ALBANY, N.Y. — New Yorkers long fed up with the behavior of politicians in Albany are expected to get a chance to tweet their opinions on a myriad of bills aimed at cleaning up state government.
    New York’s Senate Democrats plan what they claim will be the first ethics discussion in Albany in which New Yorkers will be able to comment through the Internet. Wednesday’s forum will use a technology that will likely include Twitter to allow New Yorkers statewide to comment on the Democrats’ proposals.

    Democratic Sen. Daniel Squadron of Manhattan said the Democratic minority called the session because the Republican majority has so far refused to grant them a public hearing on ethics bills.

    “It will be the first forum that will be interactive,” Squadron said. “When you talk about reform, we’re taking the bull by the horns, because the Republicans won’t take it up.”

    The forum is scheduled for noon Wednesday in Albany.
    Senate majority spokesman Scott Reif said it was the Democrats’ own rules, enacted when they held the majority a year ago, that restricts spending on public hearings.

    “While the Senate Democrats talk about ethics, our members are working with the governor and Assembly to put in place historic reforms that will allow us to turn the page on the serious ethical lapses Democrats were known for when they were in the majority,” Reif said.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/senate_dems_plan_first_interactive_mrP9zujH9SBFkuub9Y5DTI

    So during your lunch break tomorrow, take some time to tell these public officials that it is not just the politicians that need their lack of ethics addressed, but the entire judicial and legal side that that's broken.

    (The article mentions that they are going to set-up to use Twitter, is it possible to link articles from here? Or can readers forward article from here through tweets?)

  5. Lippman knowingly appoints and reappoints corrupt judges as acting Supreme Court judges. Other Lippman crimes are searchable on this blog. This just another patronage scheme for Lippman and a diversion from his corruption. Lippman is for the poor indigent person in the courts as is the fox for the chickens' welfare.

  6. Lippman wants to give defts attys right at the time of arraignment, becasue Lippman knows his court believes that people "charged' are deemed to be guilty by OCA.... because they have already charged someone with allegations that state..quote..'because you are charged by us..OCA..you are deemed to be unfit and incompetent to return to work" end quote..implication being... therefore a hearing is set to just legally secure your guilt..which happened and it was clear well before the hearing that OCA intended to find that charged person guilty before said hearing, as their OWN OCA papers stated with that admission!

    How is that Lippman for public exposure of your thoughts about anyone who finds themselves in your crosshairs and not yet permitted due process.

    I have that very document in my possession...written and signed by ex Administrative blah blah... Judge Jan Plumadore...war hero and student of court administration.

  7. New York needs a federal monitor over the state court system!

  8. therefore a hearing is set to just legally secure your guilt

    you mean witch hunt, and then they find out someone been doing a lot of lying!

  9. therefore a hearing is set to just legally secure your guilt

    you mean witch hunt, and then they find out someone been doing a lot of lying!

  10. the problem is the entire system, the lying is going on in our towns, our police our courts
    we no longer protect each other
    we screw each other!

  11. the problem is the entire system, the lying is going on in our towns, our police our courts
    we no longer protect each other
    we screw each other!

  12. Lippman and Silver must have orders to be able to be doing this, get it!

  13. The New York State Division of Human Rights is currently investigating the NYCLA Fee Dispute Committee on substantial evidence that they routinely allow big law firms or politically connected Attorneys to keep all of their legal fees charged, while routinely awarding back all legal fees earned by racial and religious minority Attorneys and law firms in New York, just so the NYCLA can say, statistically, that they routinely give money refunds to clients (while not screwing their own politically connected lawyers). Stay tuned for this investigation into acts of institutional discrimination/racism within the OCA and NYCLA.

  14. I bet if he sold the hotel Lippman he would have few million he could put towards helping the poor. That hotel was paid for with money from new yorkers. Now let us have it back.

  15. 12:12 PM - and who is going to monitor the federal monitors?

  16. 12:12 THE ALIENS !!!!!!!!

  17. I filed a complaint with the 'State" Division of Human Rights back in 1990 relative to an OCA judge and serious sexual harassment and abuse...as a court employee. This division held a hearing without informing me that a hearing was taking place, as the Judge charged, entered with a top criminal lawyer, his very own court reporter and witnesses from the courthouse.....who of course knew nothing about me, as I BARELY SPEAK TO THESE TROUBLED WOMEN OCA HIRES...or did these women have any knowledge whatsoever what this judge ever did to me..an OCA ploy they use.... to buy off usually female employees to commit perjury.
    I was blindsided just the way they intended!
    The hearing went on and was as ridiculous as OCA'S hearings are today, within their compound of courthouses.
    I realized that this division was corrupt..so I went to Federal Ct to file in 1993 to get serious legal relief from OCA and their subsequent retaliation.....after 3 yrs went by and no response by the Div. to that unethical hearing that took place.
    The Federal Ct case was settled (shockingly) in 1997...completely without my authorization , while I was having OCA paid and consented to... worker's comp surgery in the hospital.... the day it went in front of the federal judge.
    This was a federal offense, and I only found out about illegal federal ct settlement of this high profile case...when the Buffalo News kept calling my home looking for a response to the settlement.
    IT WAS AFTER THIS ILLEGAL SETTLEMENT IN FEDERAL CT....that the STATE DIV OF HUMAN RIGHTS sent me a letter saying that they too found in my favor..7 yrs later.. and were closing their case.
    The NYC head of the Div. of Human Rights, a woman named Rosa..... then took a job with OCA!
    The NY State Division of Human Rights is blatantly a joke and a political arm of OCA...so don't ever count on them for relief ...even if you are looking for a toilet.

  18. Jonathan Lippman's biggest failure is in being born! Where's birth control when you really need it!
