Friday, January 27, 2012

NY "Officer-of-the-Court" Mystery Hits Cow Country

NY lawyer’s decision to withdraw multimillion lottery claim doesn’t end mystery over ticket
The Associated Press  -  January 26, 2012

DES MOINES, Iowa — A New York attorney’s decision to withdraw his claim on a multimillion dollar Iowa Lottery prize doesn’t put to rest officials’ questions about how he obtained the ticket.  Crawford Shaw, of Bedford, N.Y., withdrew his claim Thursday on a multimillion dollar Iowa Lottery prize just as mysteriously as he has made it, saying through a Des Moines law firm that he couldn’t satisfy lottery officials’ request for basic information about how he obtained the winning ticket. The lottery has asked the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation and the Iowa attorney general to investigate. Officials say Shaw submitted the ticket for redemption on behalf of a trust on Dec. 29, less than two hours before it expired, and has identified the recipient only as a corporation in the country of Belize. The lottery wants to know how Shaw obtained the ticket to make sure it wasn’t stolen and that a valid player bought it. It has been 13 months since the winning ticket was purchased at a Des Moines gas station in December 2010. The payout for the prize would have been $7.5 million cash, or $10.3 million spread over 25 years after taxes.  Iowa lottery officials had given Shaw until Friday to provide the identities and contact information of anyone who purchased or possessed the ticket. Instead of claiming the prize in person, as is normally done, Shaw signed the ticket on behalf of the trust and shipped it by FedEx to a Des Moines law firm he had retained. Shaw, 76, sent a fax to the law firm Thursday saying he doesn’t know the identity of the purchaser. The firm relayed the information to lottery officials. “In order that the claim be resolved without further controversy, Crawford Shaw, as Trustee for and on behalf of the Trust, does hereby withdraw the Claim and does hereby agree to take no further action to enforce the Claim,” the fax signed by Shaw reads. Shaw signed the ticket on behalf of Bedford, N.Y.-based Hexham Investments Trust, though lottery officials have said he misspelled the name of the trust by leaving off the second “h.” Shaw claimed not to be a beneficiary of the trust. Iowa Lottery CEO Terry Rich said Thursday that it’s the strangest situation officials can recall in the 26-year history of the lottery. He declined to speculate on the details of the claim, saying if he knew more than what’s been released, lottery officials would probably be writing a check to a winner. “I’m telling you, if I could take all of the suggestions, it would be a heck of a fun book,” Rich said. He previously had said the lottery had received several claims that the ticket was stolen. Iowa law also prohibits employees and contractors of the lottery, their relatives and anyone younger than 21 from playing. Shaw said Wednesday through the Des Moines-based Davis Brown Law Firm that if the jackpot were paid, the money would be donated to charity. He declined to comment further Thursday. Records show Shaw played at least a minor role in the collapse of Industrial Enterprises of America, a chemical company that was looted and bankrupted in 2009 by a stock manipulation scheme. Shaw helped found the company after taking control of a Houston-based shell corporation, serving as its CEO from 2004 to 2005. Shaw’s history also includes lawsuits alleging fraud in Delaware and Texas. The unclaimed money will go toward future prizes, Rich said.


  1. Oh, I'm sure this crooked New York lawyer was up to no good. It looks like he had a nice long history of getting away with various shams. The corn fields of Iowa had no place for this crooked NY lawyers. LOL

  2. Extradite him to Iowa for trial, so he can tell those hayseeds off in one of their barnyard courts. He can present his dispensation from NY Chief Judge Lippman.

  3. One good point is that they are not letting this guy off the hook just because he is not going after the money.

    Maybe his evil deeds will finally catch up with him and Iowa will show him the justice NY seems unwilling to provide.

  4. Where are the FEDS? Are they hiding?

  5. To 9:11 Where are feds? Fast asleep on orders from Eric Holder.

  6. Judicial corruption in NY State was long imbedded before Eric Holder turned up.

    The actual blatantness and arrogance of OCA's violations and syndicate crimes was established and most apparent under the George Bush I saw it as a long time OCA insider.

    Bush created a disturbing environment of suspicion that everyone should have of everyone around them and an extensive extraction of all Americans constitutional rights... and with no question the NY STATE'S OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION took his orders to an outrageous and inhumane level, that viciously included their own employees as their sadistic victims.

    OCA's and the Fed's unwillingness and non-caring about NY Judicial corruption is an internal, ethnic and greedy corporate motivated monster, that if revealed would surely create anarchy in Amer..the reason no one in Fed Gov will deal with the outcome even today..a product of unprecedented (Bush) Presidential demolition of Democracy and Justice.

    So it remains a public exposure situation... as much as you like or hate it..OCCUPY is the emphasis!

  7. sounds like a low life sleaze ball lawyer, but then what does anyone expect

  8. Well, here's an interesting story:

    New York police spokesman comes under fire
    By CHRIS HAWLEY and TOM HAYS | Associated Press

    "Critics say he oversees a system that withholds public records, plays favorites with the local press and promotes Kelly and the NYPD with a truth-compromising fervor.

    "There are too many instances where he has blatantly lied about what is going on with the NYPD to the taxpayers who pay his salary," City Councilman Jumaane Williams recently told reporters. "Once, perhaps you could say it was a mistake. Twice, oops, I did it again. Three, four, five times: There's no excuse."

    So, public employees's, who are paid by the citizens of the state, lie and cover-up? The press and politicians not only knows about this, but the facilitate it?

    No wonder NY is in the mess it is, and there is no incentive to change as long as these crooks not only get away with it, but have the "press" and elected politicians helping them.

  9. Shaw lives up in Bedofrd with Anthony Scarpino, do you think the two snake know each other?

  10. The Bar Association should look at this attorney, he may have committed a crime.

  11. The Bar Association should look at all attorneys. They have all committed crimes. But, it's not gonna happen.

  12. Bar Assc. are run by the lawyers for the protection of lawyers and therefore private. They should be federal and run by the government.

  13. Who is Attorney Crawford Shaw connected to? Who does he know? Who are his friends?

  14. KILL THEM ALL !!!!1
    LET GOD SORT IT OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I reported this ticket stolen 1/03/2011 but brought it to the attention of the ia lottery on 12/30/2010. Dummmmmm assssss did you really think you where to smart... I didn't do a police report for this exact reason, because I knew the culprit would find a slimeball attorney to create this web. I knew you would wait till the second hour after you checked for all police reports.........who's the fool now fool. Now you will be fully exposed for we know who the culprit is... tax time belize connect the dots dummy.
