Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Manhattan FBI Boss is Mary E. Galligan

Acting-Assistant Director in Charge of New York Office

New Manhattan FBI Boss is Mary E. Galligan

Previously, Ms. Galligan was Special Agent in Charge
New York Field Office Cyber/Special Operations Division
Ms. Galligan entered on duty as a special agent with the FBI in April 1988. Upon completion of training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, she was assigned to the New York Division, where she handled terrorism investigations and intelligence gathering. Ms. Galligan was one of the on-scene commanders in Yemen to investigate the USS Cole attack, and she traveled to Tanzania in 1998 to work the U.S. Embassy bombing case. In 2001, she became a domestic terrorism squad supervisor in the New York Division and worked on various cases involving supremacy and extremist groups, anthrax, and bomb threats.
After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, she supervised PENTTBOM, the FBI’s investigation of the attacks. Shortly after, she reported to FBI Headquarters and oversaw the entire investigation and a team of 75 people. In this role, Ms. Galligan briefed the FBI Director, the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, the 9/11 Commission and staff, members of the National Security Council, the media, the U.S. military, and families of 9/11 victims.
In August 2004, she was assigned as an assistant special agent in charge (ASAC) in the Administrative Division and was designated as ASAC in the Counterintelligence Division in February 2006. She returned to Headquarters in September 2008 as an inspector in the Inspection Division and was promoted in July 2009 to chief inspector overseeing the Office of Inspections.
In July 2010, Mary E. Galligan was named special agent in charge (SAC) of Cyber/Special Operations for the FBI’s New York Division serving as the New York Division’s first female SAC. In this position, Ms. Galligan directs the special agent, support, and task force personnel who provide strategic operational, investigative, and infrastructure support.
Ms. Galligan is a native of Mineola, New York. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and a master’s degree in psychology from the New School for Social Research. Ms. Galligan also attended the Law Enforcement Executive Development course at Princeton University and the Graduate School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. She is certified as an FBI crisis coordinator, general police instructor, and National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime coordinator.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10278-0004
Phone: (212) 384-1000
Fax: (212) 384-4073 / 4074


  1. Fedarcyk, while a nice person, did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to address the court corruption in New York. I hope Galligan does something.... ANYTHING.

  2. What makes anyone think this new person heading the NYFBI office will be any different than the rest. She's probably related to Senator Chuck Schumer or a friend of a friend of a friend. And since Schumer has hand picked everyone, they will never go after him and his corrupt buddies. Keep dreaming.

  3. With her background in terror she should be right at home in the big apple

  4. Why do you citizens even bother posting on here or giving your personal private information relating to your cases when nothing happens. It's all a facade.

  5. What a loser. Everyone must keep fighting so that eventually something WILL happen. Who ever said the fight would be easy against the corruption we all experience. A facade occurs when spineless phonies give up. Stand proud in the noble journey. KEEP FIGHTING EVERYONE!!

  6. Corruption did not take 2,10,20 yrs to infest our judicial system, so it will not take a few years to address or expose.
    Judicial corruption also hits at the heart of what America fully believes in and holds its faith in to continue to exist as we live in an alleged free country.
    Because of this tremendous position Americans hold about our justice system, it became very easy to corrupt because the evil doers knew no one would believe those who attempted to point out and corruption within and wanted to investigate to reveal that truth..still a huge factor today as to why the corruption is allowed to continue by ALL POLITICIANS, FBI ETC.
    It is embedded in all of our heads since grammar school that we have the BEST COURT SYSTEM IN THE WORLD..so who wants to see that it is not and that it is also as corrupt as other countries where we were told also from birth, were not as GREAT and HONORABLE as America is!
    The stories told here are imperative and needed to expose the disgust that is happening by MEN IN BLACK who commit crimes under the guise of justice!
    Yes we must all push on for however long it takes..it will come out.
    Those who give up on this are the same ones who vote for candidates from the billionaire Super Pacs for the elite.
    It just seems so easy for them to be led by the super rich because somehow they got rich because they are smarter about or more knowledgeable within the American political success...not thinking many have committed some crimes to obtain that wealth.
    Those rich men are the ones who have influenced the courts to rule for their money to buy our Government so they could untie controls and make loads of money for themselves and their friends..Bush..Romney..Ryan etc are blatant examples..and use their power to control the weak who have given up!
    That is you..who think the many years of embedded judicial corruption should be shooed away with your porch broom!
    We may be patient but we are not stupid..however long it takes.

  7. if she was in charge of so much after 9/11 does she know how the scrap metal trusses apparently from the Towers got to the Fresh Kills Landfill by Sept. 12th when the rest of the world thought a recovery operation was still ongoing?

    While this Agent may have great skills and background, the average person in NY and the nation at this point may believe she was returned to the Big Apple area due to her ties to the Big Apple area and being from Mineola has a certain implication itself.

    Time will tell. but how much more time will it be this time to find out more of the same, same old same old same old?

  8. audrey sager stole custody for her male client from annmarie macavoy full time custodian and mother to a boy and she is a lawyer who is a fit mother but because audrey sager knows the judges in queens and had ex parte communications with strauss for years extorted over a million dollars in legal fees from the father and mother had to pay over a million too and she finally got her son back by judge grecko when misconduct of strauss exposed in newspaper and now sager got the father back temporary custody of the boy based on a stay on an appeal how corrupt and the poor mother and her son suffer for 5 years unjustly being kept apart and the crime of parental alienation committed and helped along by the judicial system strauss and sager and other corrupt and abusive folks who allow cases to be churned for years to steal money from litigants and the roberts case where mother has lost her little boy she raised from birth for past two years the son and mother cry for each other helpless victims of corrupt law guardian ade fasanya who s hould be arrested as he takes bribes and fails to protect interests of children and the judge bernice segal only there because her husband is mr lynch head of working class party as she has allowed this case to be churned for years wiping out the mother's savings and only helping father's lawyer behar because she is a jewish lady with a big mouth who is very agressive and belongs to same temple as the judge. bridget marks lost her two little girls for over two years to the children;s father who hardly knows them and she had to spend a fortune to get her girls back on appeal because she took her case public and how many horror stories go untold.
    stop corruption in the courts and pass child custody reform bill asap and the childrens rights bill and a court reform bill lobby for this and present this to the media for reforms in our courts kick out the bad judges clear out the court houses of clerks, assistant lawyers who come from political clubs with their own agenda of corruption and pick judges based on merit,experience, education not their political group and favors they will have to repay the group and money they give to their club for politicians immediate reforms

  9. Ade Fasanya must be removed from the law guardian panel of the state of new york right away and proceeddings must be commenced for him to lose his license to practice law as he takes bribes and is biased and fails to meet with clients children who fall through the cracks and he is lazy and takes bribes and corruption in queens supreme and family court and lack of interest of second dept appellate court in correcting errors of lower court judges who are allowed to do whatever they want your honor is to say to a lazy lawyer who made it to judge because of political connection as they gave money to a politician and volunteered for them the judges are usually from inferior law schools and they have no merit as if they were good lawyers they would be able to make it in private practice not be paid for taking long lunches, coming in late, taking months and years to make decisions and most of them set up to help those who elected them from democratic party and lawyers who live off churning cases
    ade fasanya, referee stanton, judge bogacz, judge stokinger, judge weinstein, strauss, fitzmaurice, liebowitz and others are lazy and fail to do their jobs properly lawyers howard felcher, andrew ayers, audrey sager, ellie vreeburg, mike riley, mike joseph, sari friedman, alex potruch, mike dikman, raul felder, bob broderick, norman bock, steve fink, steve greenfield, wiselman and harounian need to be disciplined for churning cases and corruption and misconduct and forced to return unearned fees they steal from other lawyers steal money from queens and other court surrogate courts and get receiverships unethically and this corruption must be stopped as politicians must not select our judges and put them into power so they can gain money advantage and power advantage as in sweeney, bowles, reich who get large kickbacks for their firm for appointments of judges who agree to do misconduct for corrupt politicians especially in queens

  10. Judge Prudenti must replace Judge Stokinger as administrator of Queens Family Court due to her incompletence in getting cases resolved timely and getting justice for people. She lets litigants sit around all day while her lazy judges do nothing and this must stop now step down judge stokinger and judge weinstein must be removed as administrator of queens supreme as he lets lawyers steal from the surrogate court and lets judges sit around not doing anything all day as court house is empty except for three or four hours in the morning so his lawyer friends can earn 400-600 an hour fronm their clients what a racket and abuse of our tax payer money his brother jonathan found and indited for stealing from surrogates court and this going on since his dad started in the appellate court moses weinstein travesty of justice
    step down judge liebowitz, strauss, jackman brown, bogacz, stanton, kontaratis, and get some judges who had a great education from a great school and who are honored for integrity, getting cases resovled quickly and in name of justice do not make litigants sit around all day to have their cases churned for years unethical behavior rampant and all done for corrupt politicians who appoint them make appointments from panel of people people select not politicians do no y lry iy hsppen any longer

    judge mary ellen fizmaurice one of worst judges ever must be prosecuted for her illegal and corrupt activities, decisions and her destruction of the legal process

    see the incompetence of the second dept judges and staff as they leave papers sitting around for months and they do not read briefs before them
    replace incompetent judges and court of appeals some of judges too old to remember anything and fall asleep at the bench
    judge that just retired use to tell other judges to not make ruling on their own as they must stick together to make decisions stronger coaching other judges to not make unbiased or independent decision

    replace family court referees and train judges who have court rooms where public and media can view cases
    get rid of the lawyers in the courts that are 18b and find new ones who are not connected to the corruption and replace the lawyers for kids and forensics and only hire clerks and court staff not politicially connected

    stop more than 2 terms for senate and assembly, congress as they become corrupt and must get fresh blood there as they do not care about constituents only themselvers
    use cap on what can pay for their elections and make it just tax payer money
    none of them in albany or washington on day session starts or ends and session is only a few hours a day

    get rid of assembly lady helen weinstein as she is corrupt and a crony of shelly silver and she does what he wants only for judiciary so no bills he does not want that help him can be passed.

    shelly silver must go as uses millions in tax payer money to beneift himself and his friends only

  11. The most disturbed and crooked lawyer for children is Nigerian 18B lawyer who is only one on the panel driving a BMW with a fancy house on Long Island due to his acceptance of bribes from parents to get him on their side of the litigation see how he abuses Mrs. Roberts by insisting that Judge Sigel take her son away from her two years ago without a hearing and when there was no change in circumstances after she was custodial parent since her son's birth and he does nothing to resolve things fairly for the parents and child as he fails to follow wishes of the child to be with the mother and she is a fit mother who is a college teacher his abuse is criminal in nature

  12. stop corrupt lawyer howard felcher in new york and new jersey from his abuse of litigants and his corruption and his former assistant lawyer andrew ayers who is in brooklyn and they both lie in court all the time and churn cases for years take their licensees to practice law away along with laawyer for children and 18 b panel lawyer ade fasanya who is corrupt and abusive to childrren takes bribes and must be kicked off lawyer for child and 18 b panel and must remove harriet weinberger as she is director of lawyer for child panel in brooklyn for second dept and remove judges sidney strauss, jeff liebowitz, referee julie stanton, judge steven bogacz, carolann stokinger, barbara salinitro, referee caterina contaratis, referee kirschblum, judge jeremy weinstein as they allow corruption and know about it in custody and divorce cases and allow illegall ex parte communications, orders made for bribes. remove licenses for ade fasanya, andrew ayers, howard felcher, alexander potruch, michael dikman, sari friedman, audrey sager, elizabeth vreeburg, michael riley, raul felder, steve fink, steve greenfield, christine marshall, norman bock, michael joseph, michael riley, robert broderick and sue for damages dominick barbara, wisselman and harrounian, robert hilsik and other abuses of litigants who steal money from clients and fail to represent them at all

  13. judge maryellen fitzmaurice was the worst judge there ever was in new york courts. get system to remove bad judges who hurt people in our courts and stop selecting judges based on political connections as most of them have no experience and hurt others and allow lawyers to steal from the surrogates court and receiverships unfairly to the people in our state remove sidney strauss, jeffrey liebowitz, julie stanton,steve bogacz.

  14. All are thankful that Judge Stephen Bogacz, Judge Hunt, Magistrate Blaustein, law assistant Helen Muskus were removed finally for cause from the Queens Family Court this past December 2018. Litigants and lawyers were complaining endlessly of unjust rulings, their cases being churned for years and years, orders made based on no evidence, no due process, no constitutional rights being protected. The judges left motions pending for years and got away with it and violated litigant's rights to help their politically connected lawyer friends and just to make money for the system. All are grateful that they are out of the system and hope for investigations to take place so that their pensions can be taken and their immunity so litigants can sue for damages. Judge Bogacz supports cottage industries in the system corruptly and most likely gets kick backs from Comprehensive Family Services where he sends litigants to pay $100 an hour to see their children. Investigations must take place about all forensic evaluators who often charge $25,000 or more to a family to see who should get custody of their children. Money must be refunded by the court for all these corrupt orders for litigants to pay for the evaluations, for supervised parenting (often hundreds an hour or as much as they can get out of u). Investigations into Judge Stokinger and other administrators for allowing and encouraging the corruption, extortion, and fraud in her court and the payment of hundreds and thousands by litigants for transcripts done by court cronies connected to politicians and judges to be unjustly enriched. Thankfully Referee Julie Stanton was removed and it is believed that she was disbarred. Investigations into her years of misconduct as an attorney and as a referee must be done and her and all judges, referees, magistrates, lawyer for children's immunity must be taken away and that she can be sued for damages for her abuses to litigants and jailed. She allegedly works in mental health as a counselor. Magistrate Contaratos must be removed, Judge Stokinger. The Queens Family Court it was found engaged in immigration fraud for years and was investigated by Channel 4 by allowing lawyers to make up phony cases of immigrant Indians being abused by their parents and trying to get citizen ship. Queens Supreme also very corrupt activities going on for many years by chief judge Weinstein who must be removed and investigated. He and others in the court engaging in misconduct must be ordered to pay back litigants for all money that was extorted from them in court reporter fees, attorney for the child fees, forensic evaluations, social workers etc. We know of the fraud and investigations into the theft of the surrogate court must be done by placing cameras in each court room and having court watch going in to each court room and seeing that all cases are being heard time certain and taking place on time. Removal of all judges and court personnel engaging in misconduct in robbery of litigants money and money from estates in surrogate court. Removal of administrators term limits for judges of 8 years. removal of judge Weinstein only allow lawyers and judges who live in NY to work in our courts and max on what they can earn on surrogate and estate cases and receiverships.
    Lawyers Ayers, Felcher, Fasanya, Sorote, Felder, Potruch, Sari Friedman, Steve Greenfield, Audry Sager, Liz Vreeburg must be watched for excessive charging of fees and churning of cases also Mike Dikman
