Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New York Judges Disgraced Again, and Again, and Again….

In November of 2013, New York voters resoundingly rejected the notion that a few judges should be allowed to sit on the bench past the current mandatory retirement age.  Apparently, someone forgot to tell those in charge that it would be more appropriate to treat ALL judges equally…..

But this is New York, where even judges cannot count on "equal treatment."

The Corrupt Court Machine Lives On

     Before early 2012, all New York State Supreme Court Judges endured a thankless 13-year period with no pay increase. On October 15th, the state’s 1,200-plus justices officially learned that they would no longer receive money they had come to rely on-  a $10,000 yearly stipend.

     The $10,000 stipend, court administrators have explained, was only a “temporary accommodation,” to help the judges through the time, since 1999, that they experienced a vast reduction in their net income purchasing power.

Make-Believe Raise An Insult

     The judges’ 27% “raise” was structured to be phased in over a three-year period, from $136,700 to $160,000 in 2012, and to $167,000 in 2013.  On April 1, 2014, the full 27% “increase” is realized, topping at $174,000. 

     On January 1, 1999, the judges received their last raise, a 21% increase.  The current “increase” is expected to cost $50 million per year.

     Many judges have called their “raise” an insult as it completely fails to satisfy any component of a true pay increase, or any real offset as to the cost-of-living, over the 13-year period.

Those who preside over New York’s trial courts have significantly less purchasing power with their “increase,” and disagree with Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman’s characterization that the judicial pay ‘nightmare’ is over.  The issue of inflation was also never substantively dealt with, and the nightmare continues for the judges.    

     The judges almost received a raise in the 2007-2008 budget but then-Governor Eliot Spitzer attempted to tie it to ethics reform and both measures were never voted on. 

$2.5 Billion Mess

The New York Court system is a $2.5 billion machine, full of waste and corruption, and the branch of state government that most Empire State governors have been too afraid, for some reason, to correct. 

Instead of cutting waste and fraud in the court system machine, or paying judges a fair salary, administrators have been busy with other priorities.  And this seems just fine with the Governor's office.

In February of 2011, it was revealed that tens of millions of dollars were being spent on a suite of seven 400-square-foot apartments for the personal use of judges sitting on the Court of Appeals.

The $23 million renovation of the 27,000-square-foot, 113-year-old building included cherry furniture costing over $350,000. 

     In addition to an understandably unhappy judiciary, court administrators effectively reduced the take-home pay of its court officers by drastically reducing over-time opportunities.  Over the years, a growing percentage of court officers have relied on overtime to make ends meet.  
   Justice was thrown to the wind as court personnel scrambled to close courtrooms by 4:30pm.  Justice past 4:30pm was rare- usually when a witness was on the stand, for example- and onerous procedures wasted the time of direct supervisors.  

    Now, the court personnel overtime prohibition is being slowly relaxed, and touted as if court administrators are somehow doing workers a favor.  

The judges also faced a four-fold increase in the cost of their health insurance deductible.  The New York Law Journal quotes a Bronx Supreme Court Justice, John Barone, as saying, “A lot of judges regard it as unconstitutional because it diminishes the compensation of a judge, and they have a good point.”

The inability of court administrators to fairly deal with judicial compensation has brought numerous lawsuits by judges against New York State. One lawsuit was brought by six current or former judges and sought $51 million in retroactive pay.

In January of 2011, Governor Andrew Cuomo voiced his anger with administrators of New York’s Court system after a budget was submitted that called for $84 million in additional spending and mentioned the closing of some courts.

Governor Cuomo may want to consider calling on all court personnel, including the folks that wear the black robes, to directly report to the Governor’s office any instance of waste and fraud within the court system.  

   Most importantly, folks may want to call Governor Cuomo as ask him what he's done over the last 3 years about the widespread corruption in and about New York's so-called "System of Justice."


  1. I know a few judges and they'll be the first ones to tell you that Lippman has been running a corrupt enterprise for years.

  2. So how did 'they' allow him to become the 'Head Judge?' When do 'we' see the 'Perp Walk' of these 'Shels?' Will happen in my lifetime???

  3. Wonder why they do not have any money to pay the MTA workers. Funny the city has no money for the workers but has $350,000 for cherry furniture

  4. Wonder why they do not have any money to pay the MTA workers. Funny the city has no money for the workers but has $350,000 for cherry furniture

  5. The Judges, the Judges etc., it's not just the Judges - it's the whole system!!! It's is totally corrupt!!! Sent in the Feds, are they afraid or is just more politics!!!???

  6. And now in Albany they are trying to get more money, like they don't get more than enough already! Cut their pay that what's should be done, but the POLS have no guts and they are on the same trip as the Judges/attorneys. By the way when is this blog going to post timely items, it loooong in the tooth!

  7. The 'Gov' wants to pay off the Judges, how simple is that? Get it? That's what this scam is about and the suckers, sorry taxpayers foot the bill, "Oh how sweet it is as Jackie would say!"

  8. Did someone fix the jury in the Kennedy (former bride of Gov Andy) substance abuse trail?

  9. The Kennedy's Fixed it - surprise!


  11. Hey, it's not just New York lawyers, it's all over the country - some spots have more actions (money) so you find more at those locations

  12. all the Judges do is lose more face, if you know what I mean and that's a good thing, now if someone would start talking about taking their pensions maybe they would get the message!


  14. Hey dudes, I wonder how many of the JUDGES have their telepone recorded by who knows who???

  15. The buzz from a court officer bud is that they are looking all over their chambers etc for the bugs, problem is it's too late, hey, too bad

  16. Don't worry Shelly Silver is taking care of everything if you know what I mean! You're on the main line with the man!

  17. Speaking of Sheldon Silver I see by the paper that some fine folks are looking at the dis-honorable Mr. Silver's's high time and we wish him well, a nice deep one!

  18. Everybody puts their pants on the same, one leg at a time. Judges and attorneys must not get any special consideration, they are no better than anyone else.

  19. The book "A Whistleblower's Lament: The Perverted Pursuit of Justice in the State of New York" is published by HELLGATE PRESS! Judge Stuard Namm who worked as a Judge for 16 years in Suffolk County tells it like it is! He Throws The Book At Sufflok County Prosecutors (DA's office) and his fellow Judges who knew what was going on and did nothing! Oh, they did do something and that was to get rid of Stuard Namm so that he couldn't and wouldn't tells tales from school about these criminals.

  20. An honest Judge! WOW! No wonder the thugs got rid of him that is right out of the play book!

  21. what are you talking about, there are no honest judges, just read the bible it was the same 2,000 years ago

  22. If a Judge in NY, FL, NJ et al. wants to be honest what do you think happens to them? The record shows they don't last long. The all are attorneys and they get the message quickly.

  23. Why are we not reading about Judge Stu Namm on the front page of the NY Times or for that matter any of the other 'papers' or the media? I rest my case - Don't talk about corruption

  24. Newsday had a big story about this Judge Namm maybe a week ago. There was many things which showed the corrupt and illegal actions of the the DA"s and police. So my question is what has Newsday or anyone done to follow up on the information to deliver criminal indictments and put these creeps in jail where they belong?

  25. This retired Judge should be made Man of The Year!

  26. Hell, make him President and let him clean up all the corruption - remember that a fish rots from his head

  27. Have looked for the Judge's book in several major book stores - no luck - the coverup continues

  28. Plenty of copies available online.

  29. I was just wondering if there are any Judges that have any SHAME

  30. The Bums (Judges who are attorneys) are always in 'Disgraced'

  31. are there any good Judges? if we could find one he /she could become person of the year

  32. Judge Lippman (if you want to call him a Judge) does not have any integrity. He should be removed from the bench! He does not deserve to be sitting anywhere but a park bench feeding the crows, and then eat one.
