Sunday, August 2, 2015

Federal Judge Resigns From Bench After Arrest

Sometimes the lifetime-guaranteed appointment as a United States District Court Judge isn't.  According to the letter sent to the President, August 1, 2015 was the last day for one federal court jurist who had been arrested and spent a night in jail.... MORE....
The Salon article by Brad Friedman says it all, "America's most heinous judge resigns: Wife-beater Mark Fuller leaves the bench, finally, but not easily"

USA Today, "Federal judge arrested for battery to resign from bench," by Mary Troyan

Wikipedia on Former Judge Mark E. Fuller

The Press Release of the 11th Circuit 

TEL. 404/335-6535 

12 August 2014

Announcement Regarding Status of 
District Judge Mark E. Fuller

The recent arrest of Middle District of Alabama Judge Mark E. Fuller in Atlanta, Georgia, on misdemeanor charges is a matter of public record. The case is pending before the State Court of Fulton County, Georgia.  Effective immediately, all legal matters filed with the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama that are pending before Judge Fuller will be reassigned to other judges in accordance with standard procedures for the assignment of cases. No new legal matters will be assigned to Judge Fuller until further notice. 


Washington, D.C. – House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Ranking Member John Conyers (D-Mich.) issued the following statement on the resignation of Middle District of Alabama Judge Mark Fuller, who was arrested in August 2014 for physically assaulting his wife in a hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia, a violation of state criminal law.

“It is a rare occasion when the U.S. Congress impeaches a federal judge and removes the accused from the bench, but it is a necessary tool to protect the integrity of our judicial system.

“However, the House Judiciary Committee was prepared to initiate impeachment proceedings against Judge Fuller pending the recommendation of the Judicial Conference of the United States, and the Committee strongly encouraged the courts to expedite the investigation into Judge Fuller’s misconduct.

“When it became clear that the 11th Circuit would issue an order that Judge Fuller’s conduct could constitute grounds for impeachment, Judge Fuller decided to resign in shame. Once his resignation becomes effective, he will not qualify for either a judicial salary or be eligible for a judicial pension.  If Judge Fuller does not resign on August 1st, as stated in his resignation letter, the House Judiciary Committee will consider whether impeachment is warranted once the Judicial Conference issues its final report.”

Background: The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power and responsibility to impeach federal judges and the Senate the power to remove the accused from office after a fair and impartial hearing.

In December 2014, Chairman Goodlatte and Ranking Member Conyers sent a letter to Chief Judge Ed Carnes and Judge Gerald Tjoflat of the United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit regarding the status of the investigation of Judge Fuller and the anticipated timeline for completion of the required comprehensive written report to the Circuit’s Judicial Council.

The Judicial Council of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit has now concluded their investigation and issued an order that found Judge Fuller’s conduct ‘might constitute one or more grounds for impeachment under article II of the Constitution.’  This recommendation has been sent to the Judicial Conference of the United States which makes the final recommendation to Congress.


  1. The 2nd Circus should learn a little from the 11th Circuit. The 2nd Circuit NEVER holds any judge accountable. It simply doesn't happen. COVER-UP is the rule in the 2nd circuit, if you are a federal judge in the 2nd Circus, you have been anointed GOD. In 2006, federal judge John M. Walker, Jr. killed Branford Connecticut police officer Daniel Picagli. Nothing happened to Walker, a Bush cousin. There would be no thought of vehicular manslaughter for this judge Walker, and who admitted to taking his eyes off the road (they call that distracted driving in other circuits) And no investigation, of course, by the 2nd Circus clowns which would have found out why not even 1 ticket was issued and why a cover up began as soon as Dan was run over. Maybe the truth will be revealed sometime.....

  2. The clowns at the 2nd Circus are delusional and believe that they truly are omnipotent! The next step as A. Einstein said is madness! Flush to toilet and get rid of the dregs, then fumigate the premises! The Bush's take care of their own - what do you expect? This skel John M. Walker, Jr., should be in jail - if this were you or I, we would be in jail but not a federal judge and a Bush cousin! Another coverup that we didn't read in the NYTimes or the NY Law Journal!

  3. the weather was very nice in the Adirondacks this weekend. leaves not quite changing yet.

    Adirondack Missing Witness Club

  4. Posted an honorable mention of this realm = at

  5. Judges are just lawyers who have have risen above the petty corruption and are in the big time ... where the big bucks are! The suckers don't understand this that's why they get screwed!

  6. You really have to ask all the Judge what they paid for their robes in you know what I mean!

  7. Exactly why i filed a human rights complaint with the OAS.

    Petition already filed and docketed at the IACHR (OAS) # P-1640-15. It involves lifetime police arrest threats targeting free speech/expression and enjoining a murder plot.

    Feel free to foward to interested parties that may be interested in this case. Thank you.

    Details of the case are located here,

    All domestic redress has been exhausted. The police use of lifetime arrest threats issued under the color of state laws such as harassment and stalking is at epidemic levels throughout the U.S..

    Request for IACHR Article 25 precautionary measures here,

    -- scott huminski

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  8. Please visit. Hey,This is the fundraising campaign for Julie Brito Law Student Scholarship:

  9. Possible corruption in Augusta, Georgia- not sure who to report it to:
