The New York Daily News by Alison Gendar and Scott Shifrel - March 21, 2010
Joyce David is being investigated for asking for public funds after agreeing to take case for free.
A prominent Brooklyn lawyer is under investigation for asking for $50,000 in public funds to defend murderous bouncer Darryl Littlejohn - after agreeing to take the case for free, the Daily News has learned. Joyce David, 60, is the target of an ethics complaint by a city official and could be the first casualty in a bitter fight over a taxpayer-funded program for defendants who can't afford an attorney. The complaint was filed by Mayor Bloomberg's deputy criminal justice coordinator, Shari Hyman, who is pushing for an overhaul of the so-called 18b "assigned counsel" program, sources said. A City Hall spokesman declined to comment, while David's lawyer said she had done nothing wrong. A well-known lawyer who once headed the Kings County Criminal Bar Association, David has represented the likes of former Jet Mark Gastineau and wrote a book, "What You Should Know if You're Accused of a Crime." Locked up at Rikers Island for the murder of Imette St. Guillen in 2006, Littlejohn read David's book and told Justice Cheryl Chambers he wanted her to represent him instead of the two 18b lawyers already assigned. Chambers refused until David offered to work for free, and the case eventually wound up in Justice Abe Gerges' courtroom. In 2008, David wrote to Gerges and revealed she had tried and failed to get paid from Littlejohn's mother's estate and could no longer work for free. She asked to be appointed as part of the 18b plan. "I have spent hundreds of hours to date in my representation of Mr. Littlejohn and expect that, to do an effective job, I will have to spend hundreds more hours," David wrote in a letter obtained by The News. Gerges assigned David to the 18b pool, setting her up for a $46,000 fee, which has been held up because of questions about how she got the case. She waged a vigorous defense, but Littlejohn was convicted of first-degree murder last June and sentenced to life without parole. She later resigned from the 18b plan. Her lawyer said there was nothing untoward about asking to be included in the program. "She didn't do anything wrong either ethically or legally," David's lawyer, Richard Mischell, said. "She was upfront with her request and the judge could have said, 'no.'"
A new legal phrase: pro bono se (for my own benefit). The good David claimed to work for free to be assigned, but was lying because he expected to be paid by the Estate. Now, without payment from the estate, poor David "Pure Heart" wants the all-caring government to reward his pro bono se work.
Give her a break already, she a lawyer and she can change her mind. So she lost the case, big deal you can't win them all!
Yes, I heard about this case.. a Kevin O'Donnell was originally representing Daryl Littlejohn. I wonder what happened there and why was he taken off of that case?
Who owns the Red Falls Bar, where the crime was allegedly committed?
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This Blog and Local FBI Special Agent have already been Provided with Facts on Fees with Lawyer / Judge worse than this implicating Third Dept Standards Committee, Third Dept Appellate Division, CJC, OCA Inspector General Spatz and more but waiting for promised follow ups and alleged Agents who never seem to call the interested folks in 2 years running now.
Cases near Albany, New York
Bedsides all the other hot air blowing agencies you mentioned...the exclusively in place to deal with OCA "employees" that get in the way of OCA'S crooked dealings, so OCA can have an official sounding agency that claims that they INVESTIGATE by strictly consulting the law, when actually they are INFAMOUS for doctoring, redacting and producing false documents to devastate any individual that contacts them.
I would gladly have any conversation with Spatz or anyone else of this entire discuss anything they desire to refute my claims relative to what I have charged, about their tactics.....which are the equivalent of those actions used by "third world judicial systems".
I implore anyone who is advised to or is thinking on their own of contacting the not enter that abyss of you will surface a destroyed individual!
You believe that OCA is have to experience their INSPECTOR GENERAL.....APPALLING!
There are plenty of organiztions, agencies and groups that assist people in their plight against court corruption. You are not limited to the OCA-OIG. Bring these issues to the attention of as many groups and people as possible!
I implore anyone who is advised to or is thinking on their own of contacting the not enter that abyss of you will surface a destroyed individual!
that is so funny and so true!
I guess it is shoot to kill and who cares if you hit the wrong person, they are dead, they can't say anything! Can't play he said she said with a dead person.
Hey Washington thanks for your help in keeping the population down and the court fees up and the lawyers in business and the prisons full..........
i thought the court appointed lawyers work for peanuts. That is why they are always complaining about the fees, my understanding was that they bill by the courts system by the hour . That laweyer just wanted to get some free press by taking on a big case. Also they are all BIG LAWYERS, they tell people that. Nothing more than boost thier own ego. I meet a lawyer a few years ago, he was a BIG LAWYER. Was told by his neighbor that he failed the barr exam a few times after he passed he got a job with a law firm. He was quickly fired. Then he worked for several years checking real estate papers at the clerks office and filling papers. He then opened up his own practice because no one would hire him. He used to take on public defender cases. Now he wants to become a judge. All other legal jobs failed so he becomes a judge.
To 5:26pm, Why do you have such a problem with the OCA-OIG? why don't you focus on some other offices not doing their jobs? We know there's no shortage of that---a bunch of hacks collecting a pay check at tax payers expense and dollars!
Balance the state budget--get rid of all the HACKS from state gov't and court system.
Bernadette E. Lupinetti, Esq. has to charge for her services, even if it means selling children in child custody cases to be sexually exploited. If not who will pay for her daugther's extra-curriculum activities such as swimming, running, partying in college, come on people criminals have families too, and somebody has to pay for the luxury of their off springs.
Why do you have such a problem with the OCA-OIG?
does that mean I can call OCA-OIG about the fake psych paperwork, false police charges that have been passed around the FEDS & DOJ and the courthouse to deny my rights to a proper trial, how about falsifying my Federal Disability Records, called HIPPA Violations....would OCA_OIG like to know how judges are being set up in the 8th judicial district and lawyers are committing felonies to do this?
To 5:53...why are you picking on the person who concurs with me about OCA-OIG...and not take me to take for my glaring expose of the OCA-OIG?
There are "no other" government agencies that will help sweep out judicial corruption...and since the OCA-OIG was mentioned in the opening piece and my comments about the OCA- OIG are personal and revealing....I am your logicial choice to question or refute.
If you want to protect the OIG...then why not have a discussion about their crimes with someone whom the OIG knows has documents and facts to support an even more lenghty expose than I have stated above...I will be waiting for your questions on my take...unless of course you are from that office and now who I am...and what I know!
OIG please let me know the date you will be in Piggleton, that is Pendleton, NY.....whomever my stalker is, the last one this was done to committed suicide and since the stalking & felonies are traveling to Erie County Courts it may be in your best interest to help the citizens and not the crud......
Your date of delivery is anticipated!
Please RSVP
does anyone get it, once you are being stalked by a psychotic who can alter any and all information on you, medical records, police records, legal records...etc just kill yourself like the last one you have no one will help you or start shooting!
Until OIG & DOJ puts the pigs in prison!
thanks for your help OIG!
like how they falsify information to the judge & jury
like how they set up the jurors
like how they just change the jurors results if they do not like the results...
like how they cancel the stenographer and tape over the tapes
like how they can file false bill of particulars
she must not know how OCA works at times........I do, firsthand knowledge and proof!
oh yeah, they falsify information to the FEDS and DOJ to make others believe their fake stories........
Are they related to Bernadette E. Lupinetti, Esq. better known as the pimp of Orange County???
nothing is for free in the law except the clients hard earned money. the legal mob takes what they want and if you try to fight them it costs you even more money than they rip off from you. the corrupt system is well oiled with Other Peoples Money (OPM). the judges and lawyers have no reason to stop anything since it is a big revenue producer for the mob.
ProBono- if an attorney says that get it in writing, I've heard of an attorney saying that and the house is gone in attorney fees, another time it was just used for information and the representation never occurred.........
so Pro Bono really means for our own such thing unless your in prison!
Who owns the Red Falls Bar, where the crime was allegedly committed?
if it is a bikers bar, ask George, he should know!
All lawyers are blood sucking low life's! They are taught in criminal (law) school that they have everyone over a barrel and they take advantage of that! Their brothers - Judges help them out!
Does anyone know if Thomas Perez, our Washington Civil Rights Invesitgator has ties to the NYS Police Department?
May explain why my medical records are being altered and falsified and even Washington will not respond............
We wouldn't want a NY State Trooper,family, female friends being arrested for passing fake psych paperwork or possibly stalking woman!
Does anyone know if Thomas Perez, our Washington Civil Rights Invesitgator has ties to the NYS Police Department?
May explain why my medical records are being altered and falsified and even Washington will not respond............
We wouldn't want a NY State Trooper,family, female friends being arrested for passing fake psych paperwork or possibly stalking woman!
smells like bad FISH around here and friends! BADABING!
Attorneys are the cheapest bastards in the country -
Attorneys are the cheapest bastards in the country and they sell everyone out they can.
If our Attorney Grievance actually did the job they are paid to do and put lawyers like Lippman, Ramos, Isaac in prison they would only sell out those more crooked than them, like Paulson and we may not have had the financial meltdown
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