The New York Times - May 5, 2012
Influence in New York is now wielded by a larger and more diverse array of people. As part of a special issue of Metropolitan, here’s a look at who is at the top and who may be on the way, as identified by the reporters of The New York Times.
Jonathan LippmanNew York Courts

The job of the state’s chief judge, Jonathan Lippman, who leads not only New York’s highest court but also its vast judicial bureaucracy, by definition comes with clout. But in Judge Lippman’s 11 years as the top administrator under the last chief judge, Judith S. Kaye , he learned his way around the halls of power. Three years into his tenure as Judge Kaye’s successor, Judge Lippman, 66, has used that savvy to become, in the eyes of many, a bigger player than she was outside the courtroom on policy, budgetary, administrative and legislative issues. Some judges and lawyers fear Judge Lippman because he knows the administrative machinery that court officials can use to punish and reward. New York’s liberal establishment has been largely neutralized as a source of criticism because he has staked out a progressive role, not only in individual cases, but also on causes like increasing state financing for lawyers who represent poor people. He is also a schmoozer who has had lunch with Donald Trump and breakfast with Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan . “He has a political sense to know where to push and what to push for,” said Vincent E. Doyle III, president of the State Bar Association. And when he calls, Mr. Doyle said, “he calls me Vinnie.”
Preet BhararaFederal Court

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
In the past year, Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, has done more than anyone to affect New York’s political landscape — and he has never held elected office. As Manhattan ’s chief federal prosecutor, Mr. Bharara, 43, is best known for his aggressive prosecution of Wall Street crime, but he has also won corruption convictions against State Senator Carl Kruger of Brooklyn, once the powerful chairman of the Senate Finance Committee; the lobbyist Richard J. Lipsky, a ubiquitous presence in Albany and City Hall ; and four other defendants in a political bribery scandal. The mayoral aspirations of Comptroller John C. Liu have been hampered as Mr. Bharara investigateshis campaign finances. (Mr. Liu has not been accused of wrongdoing; his former campaign treasurer was indicted last month.) And in March, a former Yonkers councilwoman was convicted in another corruption case. Mr. Bharara also announced in March that a city contractor, Science Applications International Corporation , which ran the troubled CityTime automated payroll project, had agreed to pay $500 million as a penalty and restitution for what Mr. Bharara called one of the “largest and most brazen frauds ever committed against the city of New York.” The city plans to use its share, $466 million, to help fill its budget shortfall. Rose Gill Hearn, commissioner of the city’s Department of Investigation, which referred the CityTime case to Mr. Bharara and regularly sends corruption matters his way, said: “He reaches out: ‘Let’s meet.’ ‘Let’s talk.’ I think he understands that there are significant cases being generated by D.O.I., and he wants to do them.”
Normally, it would be good for 'some judges and lawyers to 'fear' any state's top judge. It is good that bad or corrupt judges would have such fear. But in New York, corrupt and connected judges and lawyers are protected by the powers that be- headed by Lippman. Judges and lawyers who would like to follow the law and correct injustice keep their mouths shut, simply out of fear that the nasty court machine will destroy them. And the person who has run that corrupt and nasty destruction machine is one Jonathan Lippman.
As one who has been employed by OCA, I can say that everyone who directly or indirectly counts on a state paycheck fears the many acts of retaliation available to administrators in their dark bag of tricks. One word hangs over everyone every second of the day: BEWARE.
Fear can never be a factor in effective only serves as a method for retaliation and abuse, like our very famous NY institution..the mafia!
The fact that is said about him, should alert the public to the heinous operation known as OCA!
The story that Doyle tells about Lippman is also curious..he calls me that because his daddy Vinny Sr., who was the 8th district administrative judge, who surprisingly acted like a woosy pawn of the system..even though he was such a tough defense atty..turned to criminal behavior because he could get away with it, as he stole batteries and multiple other things during his judicial career,with only got a 3 month ACD.
That sentence..if you can call it that... caught him laughing in his favorite joint..a liquor bar where he would drive drunk and crash into things when parking... about how simple his punishment was!
This all just shows the public citizenry in this powerful state of millions of people... that the justice system in NY State needs immediate exposure!
another Lippman "victim" here...
i filed a complaint on April 10, 2012 with the Department of Justice in which Lippman was a named party...
so far, no response... called DOJ Civil Rights Division last week and was told that "they have not yet entered the complaint into their system"...
i wonder if the people in Washington also fear Lippman...
amazing that a blind Chinese activist can garner so much front page coverage, yet the systematic violations American citizens' Constitutional Rights for the most part is relegated to the back pages...
this must end... now...
--Michael A. Hense is Searching For Rule Of Law In America
Bharara is a Schumer hack, protecting Schumer's protected. Do you wonder why there are no financial derivative prosecutions in the Southern District, nor any prosecutions from matters ignored by the SEC? Did you wonder who protected Madoff? Will there be any prosecutions of Corzine or the NY banks which fund Schumer's operations? Would Bharara ever have a Grand Jury look into Schumer's dealings with financial institutions? Schumer controls the federal judges appointed in the second circuit and his crony, Bharara, controls who's prosecuted in the Southern District.
What about the charges against Judge Lippman in this link on this site listed above Power in Schumer's hands and his cronies corrupted both and power for Lippman corrupted absolutely.
Here's a deal for Bharara: announce a Grand Jury looking into New York Court Corruption and Judge Lippman in particular. Arrange for all those willing to come before that Grand Jury to present evidence to that Grand Jury concerning Judge Lippman's personal corruption and corruption covered up by Lippman. It's time for the NY Times to back this demand.
The ONLY judges and lawyers that fear the Lip (Lippman) are the one that haven't paid him and his rabbi (Shelly) off...that's the way the game in played...does the Lip's wife still work in the illegal system? why do I see a conflict? Hey, a blind Chinese dude has mor e juice because that's the favor of the year. Wish the US attorney the lap dog for the schmuck et al. had the same feeling for Sunny Shue...but I forgot that was the cover up by the OCA (25 Beaver St) and others, lets not forget judge mafia himself Golia - it's pay to have friends in important places (like the fbi, Rachael where are you), so things can happen, if you know what I mean...
Why would any reasonable or sane person fear that wimpy looking wash rag?
Silver gave him that power..and look at him....really NYC how do you put these freaks into power?
I don't get how a very, very few sociopaths are running this state and country and millions of people are following and receiving their abuse.
Both of those wretched figures could be backed up with some strong conversation or public outrage in their faces.
I see a coward who has masculine issues..doesn';t eveyone else see a woose here?
Back him up NYC!
How much of the $4 billion Tappan Zee Bridge reconstruction budget ( will be diverted from the project due to local corruption, and will the federal government proactively prevent construction code violations, corruption and fraud on this project ?
Does anyone know a contact phone number to the Moreland Commission to Investigate Corruption besides their recorded message number?
How can a victim verify the investigation status of an incident reported to the Moreland Commission (i.e. an actual person, not a phone answering machine that doesn’t return calls)?
Does anyone know a contact phone number to the Moreland Commission to Investigate Corruption besides their recorded message number?
How can a victim verify the investigation status of an incident reported to the Moreland Commission (i.e. an actual person, not a phone answering machine that doesn’t return calls)?
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